Saiger’s Code Red
Saiger's Sauce Code Red combines Oxy and Enzyme to the already awesome Saiger's Sauce 1. This unscented formula allows for the addition of deodorizers such as the new Saiger's Cide Lime Citron odor destroyer.
Directions and Suggested use
Be sure to mix with warm to hot and preferably “soft” water. Don't store more than you need on
your (hot) truck.
Pump up or Electric Sprayer
1 scoop (2ounces) to 1.5 scoops (3 ounces) of Saiger’s Sauce 1 per gallon of warm to hot water. Severely
soiled carpets may require up to 3-4 ounces per gallon. Test first so you don't waste this valuable
Hydro Force Type Injection Sprayer
Dilute 8 –9 scoops Saiger’s Code Red (16-18 ounces) per 5 quart container with warm to hot water, and meter
at 8:1 setting. If not using a metering tip, it is typically at 4:1 setting: THEN dilute only 4-5 scoops which is 8-10 ounces of Saiger’s Code Red.